Baby C was born into a wonderful family with two big sisters already in tow. His mom and dad prepared a home birth for him, a third home birth for this unique couple. Mama A focused on what she wanted in this birth, releasing fears and choosing a birth team that was in line with what she wanted for her family and her son. She posted visuals along her walls and dreamed of the day the leaves would fall from the trees and she would get to meet her baby. Baby C was born into this world during our gorgeous season of Fall. This remarkable mom birthed an 11 lb baby gently with dad supporting along the way. You both worked so hard for baby C and I am so very proud of you. Mama A you deserve all things good. You are a blessing to your children, your husband, and to the world. Way to go! Thank you for letting me get to know all of you. Shared, are some magical photos by Emily Weiss Photography.
Dad meeting his son for the very first time.