Class Material
We will cover the following material in five 2.5 hour sessions:
Unit 1: Building A Positive Expectancy
• Introduction to remarkable HypnoBirthing philosophy
• The History of Birthing
• Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing
• How Nature perfectly designed the birthing person’s body to birth
• How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
• The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing
• Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birth videos
Unit 2: Falling in Love with Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body
• The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques
• Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
• Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
• Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
• Selecting the right care provider
• The birth partner’s role in birthing
Unit 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby
• Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
• Preparing the Body for Birthing
• Light Touch Labor Massage
• Your body working for and with you
• Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor
• Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Unit 4: An overview of Birthing – A Labor of Love
• Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
• Birth explained simply
• Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
• Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth
• As labor moves along – passing time through labor
• Hallmarks of labor
• If labor rests or slows – Birth partner’s prompts and tools
• As labor advances – birthing with your baby
• Protecting the natural birthing experience
• Birth rehearsal imagery
Unit 5: Birth – Breathing Love - Bringing Life
• Moving into birthing
• Positions for descent and birthing
• Breathing baby down to birth
• Baby moves to the breast
• Family bonding with your baby
Class Information
The cost for group classes is $425/couple. I am also available for private instruction.
My classes include:
5 information packed classes
Your own copy of the 302-page HypnoBirthing text, HypnoBirthing -The Mongan Method
5 MP3 tracks for your home practice - tracks include stress reduction, bonding, birth rehearsal imagery, partner affirmations, mother affirmations and the Rainbow Relaxation
A spiral binder of instructive and informative handouts
Unique deep relaxation techniques
Slow, calm breathing methods for use in labor, birth, and beyond
Help planning your birthing preferences
A guide to helping you find a doula
A supportive childbirth educator and certified Hypnotherapist
Access to additional hypnotic fear/worry/anxiety and stress releases
What is a fear release? - A fear release allows you to let go of anxieties, fears, frustrations, self-doubts and disappointments. While in deep relaxation, you have the ability to release what is no longer serving you and take back any power you may have given away.
There is a $100 non-refundable deposit which I use to order your materials and it holds a spot for you in my class. The remaining balance of $325 is paid at or by the start of the first class.
The optimal time to sign up for a class series is around your 5th month or 20th week. However, you will find HypnoBirthing classes extremely useful no matter when you are able to sign up.
Birth partners are encouraged to attend. Anyone supportive of your birth wishes is welcome, space permitting. HypnoBirthing benefits first births and all subsequent births. Many second and/or third time parents have trauma or fears to release from previous births and do very well in the HypnoBirthing classes. Classes are fun, informative and relaxing.
Your HypnoBirthing® textbook, Rainbow Relaxation and Affirmation MP3 download card and spiral binder of handouts will be given to you by the start of our first class. If you prefer to have your materials prior to the first class and you have registered early, please let me know and I will be happy to ship them to you.
If you are close to your birth month and you really want to get a class series in, please get in touch with me. Private classes can definitely be arranged! Please contact me for more information. The cost for private classes is $850. Private classes include all materials, course material tailored specifically to your needs, access to the student portal, additional fear releases, and one on one instruction in the comfort of your home! To register or seek more information, please call Lisa at (440) 840-4820 or email: I look forward to hearing from you!